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(How closing your eyes can maximize your beauty potential)

Who doesn’t love a good night’s sleep or a comfy afternoon nap?  Does this sound lazy or is it a time of productivity?

While you may have a stockpile of the latest and greatest beauty products to maximize the overall beauty of your skin, one of the greatest tools you have costs you nothing at all! It’s the power of sleep! Something as simple as laying down and taking a nap can do wonders for your skin. Remember! Our bodies work 24/7, even as we sleep, so why not take advantage of the time you are slumbering?

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Ways lack of sleep shows up on your face:

*Swollen eyes

*Dark circles under your eyes

*More wrinkles and fine lines

*Paler skin

When you sleep, your body is repairing itself. This is the time when the blood flow to your skin increases, rebuilding collagen and repairing any damage from UV exposure while also mitigating wrinkles and age spots.

Tips to make the most of this luxurious beauty treatment:

*Aim to get a full night’s sleep. Staying up late to watch that new series on Netflix is not going to do you any favors.

*Wash your face thoroughly before going to bed. There’s no need to invest in fancy products, and you don’t need to scrub too hard, either. Just use a gentle cleanser to remove excess dirt, makeup and oil.

*Don’t forget the overnight moisturizer! After you wash your face – which can dehydrate your skin – replenish it with a topical moisturizer.  

*Try sleeping on your back. Wrinkles on your face and chest can be the result of sleeping on your stomach or on your side.

*If you have issues with snoring, acid reflux or nasal drip, elevate your head while sleeping. These issues can affect the quality of your sleep. Also, when your head is elevated, blood flow is improved.

Before you doze off…

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Move your bed away from direct sunlight, especially if you are napping during the day. If you are exposed to the sun, it can have a damaging effect on the health of your skin.

Make the most of those Zzzzzzs so you can make the most of your appearance!

Source:  healthline.com

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